Seminario de Social Media y Social CRM.Aprenda cómo establecer un plan práctico de Social Media e integrar sus redes sociales con el CRM y Call Center.
the company did not enagge in such activity and just took CRM as a revenue enhancer tool. I agree with you that CRM is there to help you as a customer, to make you feel somebody on the other side really knows you, just like when you used to buy your lollypops at the grocery where the owner knew your name. As a result of CRM customers will choose to stay.
the company did not enagge in such activity and just took CRM as a revenue enhancer tool. I agree with you that CRM is there to help you as a customer, to make you feel somebody on the other side really knows you, just like when you used to buy your lollypops at the grocery where the owner knew your name. As a result of CRM customers will choose to stay.
Publicado por: Andika | 10/17/2012 en 07:55 p.m.