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Amen, gentlemen. Most of the buinsess world doesn't give a crap about the debate over what to call what. They need to do what we always talk about acquire and retain profitable customers. Customers demand different things at different times in the cycle of human existence because they are people who's cultural norms and social foci change from time to time and era to era and place to place. It has always been incumbent on institutions who interact with people in one capacity or another i.e. buinsesses with customers to figure out how they think and what they think and provide them with what they need to maintain or expand or not lose the relationship. That goes for all institutions but for our purposes buinsesses. The buinsesses need to meet an agenda that doesn't necessarily overlap with the customer's particular agenda except possibly in certain places. The buinsess has to find out where that overlap is and what they have to do to make it worth the customers' and their own whiles. That means how it gets done is far more important that what its called or the esoterica that often gets thrown around in discussions about the nature of whatever. I'm personally on the same track as you guys here let's discuss something meaningful to those we serve the customers and the buinsess people. Technology is a part of it but only a part of it. Definition is no longer necessary as far as I'm concerned. How to do what has to be done is far more important..-= Paul Greenbergb4s last blog .. =-.

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