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do el Seminario de Social CRM en la Universidad Americana de Paraguay. En el semin

Hi Susan, Thanks for your feedback on the name How? Well, it's just a matetr of discussing it, over the phone, over skype, over email, and just asking a few questions during consultations and/or coaching sessions. Very much along the lines of what Julie was saying. Especially to challenge any existing beliefs that they might have about good avenues for marketing and bad avenues. An example is a financial services company, who thought cold calling was still the best way to get clients. So to challenge ideas like this, and to get them more receptive to social media, it was just a matetr of asking them Why? . Why decide to focus on this method? Why do you think it's the best method .Asking Why? can really stump some people. I hope that explains it a bit better. Fiona Bosticky recently posted..

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