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me parece interesante su seminario pero esta elevado el valor de este deberian enfocarlos para los egresados de las universidades .

Scott,I had a feeling you'd agree with C Thompson's poistion (as do I) that knowledge of statistics is paramount.There is one point that I may not have expressed correctly in my poistion above and I see reflected in your comments (which I much appreciate and agree with). There is room for both POV in any chosen solution, but a dynamic changing environment demands quick action based on results, not a desire to adapt the situation to a established model. This is what is critical to me.Most academic studies were conducted in tightly controlled environments and proven to work. Alas, Loyalty exists and Satisfaction is easily manipulated, both proven via research. And we should use that to guide decisions but when faced with a dilemma while implementing, take what was proven to work yesterday over what was proven to work in a different environment. Pragmatics wins over Academics, but does not replace it.This is the key point I was trying to make and I hope it comes through.Thanks for the great comment go stats!

Thanks for the great show, Becky! You are so right getting strated with social media is just like getting strated with anything that you want to do. Thinking you want to do it and knowing you could benefit by doing it, don't move you forward. The only thing that moves you towards your goals, is getting strated! Today!

This is the reason I keep coming back to this site. I can not believe all the new stuff since the
last time!

This is a good website, I can't believe I didn't find it before!

Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much for the great post This
is exactly what I needed to read

I find it so inspiring that I'm not the only person out there over the age of 20 who doesn't know this kind
of stuff! Time to learn *about all of it*.

NI AL CASO JAJA...te puedes cepillar perfectamente
los dientes como debe de ser y de la misma manera aplicar el tratamiento sin tocarte las encías, no tiene nada que ver eso jajaja,
xD. además lo único que ganan es que se desgaste el esmalte por el ácido
del limón, no hagan eso POR SU BIEN!!.. . . ah y se escribe:
encías, así* =))

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