Jesus Hoyos had the opportunity to be a participant of the Return2Customer Conference in Atlanta. He had the opportunity to listen to the lecture of Bill Price, Martha Rogers & Paul Greenberg, among others. The conference had 3 different tracks, all with excellent speakers and case studies. Congratulations to Art Hall and his team for an excellent conference.
Here are Jesus' tweets about the conference and you can read Jesus' blog, CRM en Latinoamerica, where he has a few postings in spanish.
Notes from some of the tracks/lectures Jesus attended:
Bill Price
- Best Service is no Service - check out his book. It has the steps to improve customer service
- You must improve self-service channels and then encourage customer contact
- Listen & act: wocas - what our customers are saying
- Each department should bear the cost of customer service... logistic, web, marketing etc
- You must educate the customer
- Snowball concept - increase first contact resolution - avoid repeat contacts or snowballs
- Empower 1st contact agent, update FAQs constantly
- Avoid confusion and mistakes in order to provide best service
Martha Rogers
- Rules to break & laws to follow - check out her new book
- Past 20 years, the US auto industry - spent $4k on marketing & incentives for every car sold
- Nissan - move their marketing budget to CRM, SMS blogs, all interactive media and now spends $950/vehicle sold
- Most classic business fundamentals assumptions are death wrong ... these are the rules to break
- Create the most possible value from the customer & prospect
- Product, brands & loyalty programs are not source of revenue ... it comes from the customer
- Goldfish Principle - companies have no customer memory
- Customer value is as important as well as sales & profits
- 3 rules to break: Customer are scare, Customer create value, long term value is just as important as sales & service
- Internet means customer trust is more important
- Customer trust implies customer advocacy
- Are companies destroying customer value?
Social Media - Panel
- How social media is defined? ... interactions with customers - collaboration - share voice is give voice to customers... allow conversation, build relationships..collaborate based on information
- 1.0 was about information 2.0 is about collaboration
- Strategy areas for social media: understand your customers and key markets, revenue, customer service, then look at technologies... don't do it cause the market is doing it...
- How to create interactions... experimentation, test, test...survey your customers... do your homework...participate in the conversation and collaborate...know your audience, objectives, goals, customers...
- Dialogue needs to be open and you most take action ...
- You need to be honest... do not moderate things that you don't like...allow the conversation to happen, take action...information is both ways... corporate moderation is OK...but you need to facilitate the conversation otherwise the customer will go outside to other some internal moderation and let the community moderate
- Today there is not an integrated CRM and Social Media solution... market needs to mature...this will be an ideal solution...
- Text mining...capture behavior and determine metrics via BI....
- Social media is collaborative CRM...
Paul Greenberg
- Who is the customer? social customer -> customer ecosystem...
- It is a social change not a business change...
- This is a new era for everybody... a person like me and trusted source ...emotions, cool, me...
- Consumers adopt "sexy/cool/style" content
- The social customer is increasingly a mobile customer
- Live Web ... Facebook, MySpace
- Social media and social networks are different
- CRM 1.0 is the company... 2.0 is what the customer wants - customer engagement - companies are not longer producers of content / products ... it is agregated with customer experiences...
- Values of communities will be a critical factor ... let the community develop a level of trust... help customers help you...
- 360 view is no longer the holy is a it is a company like me...customer will buy from a compnay like them
Some of the common topics during the conference were:
- Lead management
- Marketing Automation
- CRM 2.0
- The Social Customer
- The new rules of business
- Customer Data
- Social Media
- Customer Service
Some of the vendors that participate: Market2Lead, Vtrendz, Marketo, SugarCRM, Oracle, myCRMCareer, Infor, OpenSpan & Neighborhood America.